June Workshops
For every class registration member is compulsory: single event € 15,00 or annual € 55,00
If by reason of Act of God, beyond the control of either party, the workshop/s set out above are cancelled, exclusively for reasons attributable to the organization, it is the obligation of the organization itself, repay the entire amount paid for participation.
If you cancel, we regret that Nuova Officina della danza Asd cannot make any refunds. Please make sure that you can make the dates
In accordance with the current Italian laws we need a copy of a current medical certificate stating that you are in good health, before the trimester starting date. In the case of residency abroad, you will be asked to have a medical certificate issued by an Italian doctor here upon your arrival, stating that you are in good health. This will be at your expense.

JUNE 2 - 12
Workshop included into NOD International Contemporary dance Program 2019/20 | 3rd trimester
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
h: 10,00/13,30 Spenser's workout
Wednesday and Friday
h: 9,30/10,45 ballet class with Veli Pekka Peltokallio
h: 11,00/14,30 Spenser's workout.
Regular fee:
€ 300,00 NOD members rate
€ 350,00 Non members rate (VAT 22% included)

JUNE 15 - 26
Workshop included into NOD International Contemporary dance Program 2019/20 |3rd trimester
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
h: 10,00/11,15 Gaga dancers class
h: 11,30/13,30 Yaniv & Guy's workout
Wednesday and Friday
h: 9,30/10,45 ballet class with Veli Pekka Peltokallio
h: 11,00/12,30 Gaga dancers class
h: 12,30/14,30 Yaniv & Guy's workout.
Regular fee
€ 350,00 NOD members
€ 400,00 non members rate (V.A.T included)
Performance Project by Yaniv & Guy
February 3 – 14 & June 15 - 25. Only applications for both periods (February and June) will be considered
Application deadline: December 30th, the results will be communicated by January 7th
The call for creation process is open to everyone but the final performance will take place with the 12 selected dancers. This performance project is an initiative outside of the ICD-NOD program, anyone can apply.
The selected dancers have the possibility to join the morning classes included in the NOD ICD Program.
The results will be communicated by January 7th