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Nuova officina della Danza - Torino - Danza contemporanea

International Contemporary dance Program I.C.P.


The program divided in 3 trimesters: 1st trimester (September - Decmber) - 2nd trimester (January- March)  - 3rd  trimester (April- June), and provides teachers from major International and European companies exploring the most important, current and contemporaries repertoires as,  Batsheva dance Company, Sharon Eyal, Hofesh Shechter, Pina Bausch, Crystal Pite, Barak Marshall and Idan Sharabi.

Gaga classes are conducted by licensed teachers among the Batsheva dancers.

They will explore different movements in intensive sessions with the best freelance dancers and choreographers from the international scene.

Dor Mamalia, Tom Weimberger,  Andrea Costanzo Martini, Doron Raz, Erez Zohar, Yaniv Abraham, Spenser Theberge, Erion Kruja, Keren Rosemberg, Doug Letheren, Nicoletta Cabassi etc.

The International  Contemporary Dance Program  is open to dance  students aged 18 and up, with a strong contemporary and ballet technique, to professional dancers and teachers seriously motivated and interested in the NOD program.

The goal is to provide tools to young dancers to approach the major and current repertoires,  update themselves, to prepared  with great awareness for their future path.
Furthermore February 5, 2016 NOD will be the center for the PERIDANCE of New York Summer program auditions with Igal Perry. 

Thanks to contributions from private enterprises such as the EEC and Lorella Dance, Romina LallaViaggi we are pleased to give:

1, (100%) scholarship  & 9, (50%) partial scholarships available for the entire period from January - March


Who participated in the first period can take advantage of a discount of 50% for nex period.

Main requirements in order to qualify for the assignment of scholarships (1 entire 100% and 9 partial 50%)
- Be aged between 18 and 25 years
- Have a strong base of contemporary dance
- Be seriously interested in the NOD program, compulsory attendance during the whole three months program.
- Annual membership (which includes insurance) is required even in case of scholarship that is available for the entire period January - March

Please note that English is the language used during the majority of workshop


If you are interested in International contemporary dance Program selection


The program will be held in the following extraordinay spaces

- Lavanderia a Vapore Corso Pastrengo , 51 Collegno, easily accessible by subway from the center of Turin
- Centro Danza Royal Via San Marino, 89/14 Torino


7- 10 Barak Marshall Rep. with Inbar Nemirovsky      h: 11-14,30
14-16 Gaga and Naharin Repertoire with Erez Zohar  h: 11-14,30
19-22 Dor Mamalia Idan Sharabi Repertoire   h: 11-14,30
26-29 Dor his own work

5    Igal Perry Selection for Peridance New York
6-7 Spenser Thabergé Forsyhte Repertoire   h: 11-15,00

9-14    Pina Bausch Repertoire   h: 11-14,30

15-26 Tom Weimberger Sharon Eyal Repertoire and his own work  h: 11-14,30

5-6     Spenser Thabergé his own work h: 11- 14,30  (9-14  to be defined)
15-20  Andrea Costanzo Martini Imbal Pinto Repertoire  h: 11-15,00
20-24  Hofesh Shechter Company dancers Intensive h: 10-16,30
25-26  TomWeimberger and Andrea Costanzo Martini  - Intensive h: 10-17,00



  • participants in the first period of the program (September-December 2016) will receive a 50% discount on the full rate, and participants in the second period will receive a 50% discount on the full rate in the third period

  • full three month program : € 900.00 (possibility of financing and payment by installments) + registration member € 50,00

  • payment in a single solution: € 850.00 + registration member € 50,00

  • monthly rate (except December- March and May ) € 300,00 + € 50,00 registration member 

  • December/ March/ May rate € 500,00 + registration member for all workshop

  • Single workshop (5 days): € 180.00 (the cost will be constantly updated and is subject to change at NOD's discretion, depending on the duration and hours of the workshops and master classes)

  •  20% Discount for professionals
    single day workshops (when it's possible)

  •  Annual subscription from September 1st to August 30th, 2016: € 50.00

  •  registration for the single event: € 15.00

  • registration is compulsory  


As of 2007, Nod offers workshops lead by professional dancers and choreographers, who come from all over the world. Dancers will have the possibility to acquire and to develop a diverse  selection of body languages representing the best international companies and diverse cultures.
 NOD is based in Turin, Italy, Furthermore our organization is also available as a residence for choreographers and the unique combination of laboratory and residence permits choreographers to develop their ideas in an independent way, as well as test ideas with the dancers present at the workshop.

Nuova officina della danza Torino

Nuova Officina della Danza a.s.d. 
Head Office Corso Guglielmo Marconi 3 - 10125 Turin

C.F. 977 33110015 P.I. 1056 7370019

Via Mantova, 34 - Turin
+39 3491418033           
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