Professional Contemporary Dance Programs
News and Events

About NOD
Based in Torino - Italy - Nuova Officina della Danza strives to be a generative meeting space where dance is seen as an expression of one’s uniqueness, and where bodies express, first of all, vitality.
With this in mind, NOD seeks to train daring dancers, willing to tackle a rigorous yet flexible dance program.
For NOD, what characterizes a daring dancer is not the absence of fear but, on the contrary, a willingness of embracing and processing one's own vulnerabilities.
NOD’s intent is to generate a change for dancers, teachers, and anyone else part of the program. To encourage and support their personal and professional growth, and create an environment, through a thoughtful organization of time and space, that facilitates, literally and not, any leaps forward.

Study at NOD
Study at NOD offers you the opportunity to become part of an international network through an experience that leaves its mark and prepares you to begin your professional journey.
NOD’s intention is to train dancers with a solid understanding of the professional world of contemporary dance.
NOD offers two different programs, ICD Program and NUOVA X Professional Dance Program,
that can be individually constructed upon need and interest, for example participating only in individual worshops, attending for a month, trimester or yearly.
ICD NOD International Contemporary dance Program - Torino Italy

NOD and the city
NOD maintains well-established collaborations with important organizations in the Turin cultural scene including:
Torino Danza Festival and Interplay, with which Nod organizes masterclasses with prominent companies hosted by the festivals.
DAMS Torino, with which an active dialogue on practice and theory has been established over the years with students invited to attend open rehearsals of resident choreographers.
Genau and Nod recently formed a partnership, which led to the creation of the special
event "IMPRONTA - Movers Challenge" an experimental dance battle that invaded Turin's most acclaimed club night in which male and female dancers, including from abroad, competed to the techno sounds of DJ Gandalf at Azimut Club.

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