Nuova X is a professional dance program directed by choreographer Tom Weinberger, in collaboration with NOD
The program is divided into 3 sessions from September to June. Each quarter the program involve a pre-selected group of dancers from all over the world in two different creations with two international choreographers, each lasting five weeks.
Session A September - November 23/24
David & Tiffany - Out Innerspace | September 4 - October 6
Bryan Arias | October 16 - November 17
Session closing week | Tom Weinberger | November 20 - 24
Session B January - March 23/24
Andrea Costanzo Martini | January 8 - February 9

Tom Weinberger | February 19 - March 22

Kate Wallich | March 25 - 29
Session C | April - June 23/24
Moritz Ostruschnjak | April 8 - May 10
Lea Ved | May 20 - June 21
Session closing week | Tom Weinberger | June 24 - 28
To be a dance student aged 18 and up, with a strong contemporary and ballet technique, or professional dancer and teacher.
In order to apply please upload your CV together with two separate links, one showcasing yourself in an improvisation session (1/2 minutes sharing your skills/virtuosity as dancer, working with a task to your choice, tapping into what moves you as a movement artist/ sharing where you currently are in your movement research) and one to two minutes of a set choreography (If sending a group footage please indicate which one of the dancers is you)
Only Vimeo or YouTube links no password will be accepted.
All are welcome regardless of ethnicity, gender or sexual preference. Limited spots available.
Fill out this form to send in your application:
Check out NOD's price list and information: