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ICD  PROGRAM | Covid-19 updates


We want to reassure you that we are taking every precaution necessary for everyones safety with these regulations:

- limited number of students 

As per rules, NOD staff must ask each participant  the green pass, which can be PAPER OR DIGITAL that declares to have had at least one dose of vaccine against covid 19, or have tested negative on a rapid molecular or antigen test performed within the past 48 hours, or to have recovered from covid 19 in the last 6 months.

In the studio and during the dance activities:

- hand sanitising at entrance of the studio

- the wearing of a mask is at everyones personal discretion while dancing or teaching, with distances kept

- no use of the locker room

- mandatory sanitising after bathroom use and of the bathroom itself 

- studio floor cleaned after every session

- change of air after every session 

- no contact dancing


We are able to support you with a Covid-19 Insurance Policy which provides compensation in case of contagion

Cost is € 12.00 in addition to the yearly registration fee € 55,00
Apply upon registration if you wish to stipulate it


"Extraordinary times where circumstances don't allow us to dance close to each other, we can't stop, there is always a way to dance for each other"

Cit. Erion Kruja

For any further information don't hesitate to send your email to

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