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NOD ICD  Program 2020/21 is the experience you’re looking for to prepare you for your professional dance career, the only program where every week for 11 months a year, dancers switch styles, repertory and guest artists and choreographers that come from the greatest companies in the world.


Application deadline  Academic Year 2021/22:

SPECIAL PRICE 10% OFF - deadline March 7th.

For everyone's health and safety NOD requires that each participant have a serological COVID-19 test

no more than 3 days prior to the start date.


After that date, we will accept applications until places are available.


How to apply:

Send two videos, both no more than 1 min. each (2 min. max. in total).

The first of you improvising and the second of you performing a set choreography. Please also include a short bio and send all material to (Vimeo or Youtube NO password)


Accomodation click here

Amount of hours: 30/35 hours per week

Monday  h: 10,00/13,30 - 15,00/18,00 Creation Process

Tuesday Thursday h: 10/13,30

Wednesday and Friday h: 9,30/14,30

Ballet Class twice a veek with Veli Pekka Peltokallio

1st TRIMESTER AY 2020/21



7 – 11 - Sita Ostheimer

14 - 25 - Inaki Azpillaga - Ultima Vez company

19th - Hofesh Rep Master class led by Rachel Fallon in collaboration with Torino Danza Festival

28 - Oct 2 - Pau Aran Gimeno Wupppertal Pina Bausch company


5 - 16   - Sita Ostheimer

19 - 30 - Michael Loehr


2 - 6 - Luca Signoretti - free lance artist

9 - 13 - Caroline Boussard - GAGA /dancers class and "Ohad Naharin's Repertoire Session

16 - 27 - Fabian Thome -  NOD ICD Mentor Program - his own Repertoire

30 -  4 Dec - Kevin Quinoa  TBC



7 - 11 - Spencer Dickhaus - ex NDT dancer actually Hofesh Company

7 - 11 - Anita Ancona

14 - 18 - Rebecca Hytting - Sharon Eyal Repertoire

14 - 22 - Attila Ronai - free lance artist ex Hofesh Shechter  Company dancer



NOD’s decision to go online and to return in attendance as soon as allowed and to extend 1st trimester  by one month until the end of January, is the only solution that NOD can adopt

Classes in presence will return as soon as allowed.


In compliance with the regulations issued by the government which asks not to open dance schools until March 5th, our program remains online, but we promise that it will keep the same great quality as always, we know that it would be better to dance in a studio but at the moment this is the best chance we can have.

Staying healthy and feeding the flame for our passion for dance, this is our job!


We will still be online in February, but we at NOD are organising a really special month, and not participating would be a real shame!

February schedule click here


We are taking a

“Zoom detoxing break”


Regarding the ICD Program 2nd Trimester


March 15th The (ICD) International  Contemporary Dance program

will start back up with its guest artist and teachers.


Important Information


As a rule, the Italian Government allows only professionals and competitive athletes to enter in studio to train as long as their training is aimed at a performance / competition of which the dancers must be registered in.

The rule may seem incomprehensible, but this is the only chance we have to return to the studio

Wanting to fulfil the wishes of our students to return to the studio, we have decided to enrol each participant automatically, that will be attending our lessons, for an event / competition / performance.


If you wish to study at NOD in person in the next two months, or at least as long as most of the restrictions due to COVID 19 remain, in order to start the program, the following is required:


- Having a negative result Covid molecular test carried out 72 hours before your arrival in Italy.

- Having a medical exam checkup at the sports medicine center in Turin in order to have a medical certificate issued. We will arrange for you to have the appointment.

- We ask you to plan your trip so that you either have a Friday, Saturday or Monday morning available in order to have the medical exam done.




3 - 14 - Fabian Thomé

18 - 21 - Luca Signoretti - free lance artist

24 - 28 - Eric Beauchesne Kidd Pivot Improvisation Tools e Crystal Pite Repertoire


May 31 - June 11 - Attila Ronai

14 - 25 - Bryan Arias

to apply
ICD program 2ND TRIME 2021
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